Friday, April 13, 2007

DoerCast Episode 6 - The Design Conspiracy

Ben and Kingsley are among those great doers who also share their knowledge and experience. They kindly accepted our invitation to be part of Filter Design Competition, help give feedback to the participants and hold one of those really funny and inspirational workshops. Just as they kindly accepted our podcast invitation, and answered all the questions we’ve been bugging them with, even though they were very tired.

They’re founders of the Design Conspiracy, which started as the dream of some college friends to do cool stuff. To "create intrigue and provoke reaction", which is an aim anybody working in our industry should have, in my opinion. We talked about how they started, and how they currently manage the tension between being friends and colleagues, about the company’s great policies, about handling a small firm which is growing. And of course, we’ve also asked them about their projects.

And of course, we talked about design in general, how it feels like to be a designer, measuring effectiveness in design, user generated content, design being the new management consultancy and sustainable design. Actually, we’ve talked about so many things, that it would be better to just download and listen to the conversation.

Cause we’ve even spoken about Kingsley’s musical career, as part of a band called Passarella Death Squad. And you can listen to samples of their work in the second part of this episode, as well as on their myspace page.

We enjoyed doing this podcast a lot, because the guys are not only brilliant, but also extremely open, funny, and modest. Hope you enjoy it as well.

The fact that our podcasts are more like free conversations than actual organized interviews is quite clear, and this time Cosmin also joined us. Also thanks to Radu for featuring in the second part of the podcast.

To listen to Part 1 (about 45 minutes long), click here; to listen to Part 2 (about 30 minutes long), click here; or subscribe in iTunes using the feed to not bother about links, downloads and parts.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

DoerCast Episode 5 - Frantisek Storm

DoerCast is starting a short, but impressive, design series; this episode features Frantisek Storm, one of the world's best type designers, who came to Romania to open an exhibition of the Czech Cultural Center of Bucharest at Una Galeria. Mr. Storm was also kind enough to hold a type design workshop for Filter Design Competition.

Diana and I got to speak to him, a colleague of his and a student of theirs (whose names, I must say, regrettably, I didn't understand)on the third day of their stay, after they visited the National Art University and after seeing the Stencils of Bucharest. We discussed about different approaches to academic education, we discussed about type and type design, about Bucharest, stencils and street art.

One of the best moments of our discussion was when Mr. Storm showed us his Stencilul Font - a font that was inspired to him by a stencil in Bucharest, and that he put online for anyone to download for free.

So, to listen follow this link, or use the feed to listen in iTunes.

Thank you to Monika Stepanova and Ana Blidaru for your help and support

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

DoerCast Episodul 4 - Trei Parale

Inainte sa ii scoatem la ceai si sa inregistram o discutie cu ei, i-am ascultat pe cei de la "Trei parale" in concert. Si putem spune ca ne-au purtat prin locuri si prin timpuri de care am simtit cum ni se face dor, fara sa fi avut vreodata contact cu ele. Ne-au facut sa ne simtim "rasfatati", pentru ca ne-au spus povesti la fel de frumoase cum ascultam cand eram foarte, foarte mici. Asta pentru ca prietenii de la "Trei parale" sunt o "adunatura" de artisti foarte speciali, care se incapataneaza sa nu lase muzica veche romaneasca sa se piarda.

Despre etnomuzicologie, despre cercetarea prin sate cu trei case, despre cobze si chiar despre manele intr-o frumoasa poveste despre pasiune.

La insistentele noastre, Trei Parale au si blog.

Pentru a asculta, download de aici. Pentru a va abona in iTunes, folositi acest feed.
Postul mentionat de Florin in timpul podcastului este acesta.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

DoerCast Episode 3 - Dumitru Gorzo

My first contact with Dumitru Gorzo's work happened in 2003, when I saw some weird cocoons invade the center of Bucharest. I found out, afterwards, what they were and who was responsible, and laughed at the way the media presented them. And the rest is history.

Dumitru Gorzo is a unique artist in Romania's landscapes: he is a shocking appeareance, but never shocks just for the sake of it; he is controversial, which is just another way of saying he provokes people to think; he is a truly original artist; and he is very hardworking, doing a lot of work, and having at least one significant personal exhibition a year.

We had the great pleasure of talking to Mr. Gorzo one cold winter evening, after he received a prize from Cuvantul cultural magazine, on Calea Victoriei, in the little park that is found next to the ugly big monument. We're truly sorry for the cold.

The discussion wanders for about 45 minutes from Rostopasca, the village, brands and Romania's new law on religious cults, to pornography, masters and apprentices in art and not only, evolution, street art, communism, and the Romanian Orthodox Church. It ends with Sex Pistols' I am an anarchist.

To listen - please use this feed to subscribe in iTunes, or download directly from here.

Photos taken from Metropotam. (uninspired) photo-editing by alex.

Monday, January 15, 2007

DoerCast Episode 2 - Mihai Mitrica

Cu o intarziere care se datoreaza mai ales sarbatorilor, iata si cel de-al doilea episod al podcast-ului nostru. De data aceasta, “la microfon” se afla Mihai Mitrica, unul dintre fondatorii asociatiei Este'N'Est. Noi l-am cunoscut pe Mihai drept "omul din spatele Anim'Estului", asa ca am discutat cu el despre povestea primului festival romanesc de animatie de anvergura, despre oitza de pe afisul Anim'Est, despre animatia romaneasca si despre planurile pentru editia urmatoare. Si am mai discutat si despre celelalte proiecte foarte interesante pe care le pregateste Este'N'Est: Fest'Asia (festivalul filmului asiatic) si Sibiu Film Fest, care va combina filmele mute cu orchestra live.

Ii multumim mult lui Mihai, de care vom mai auzi cu siguranta, si speram sa strangem cat mai multi oameni dornici sa il ajute sa duca la bun sfarsit aceste proiecte si sa inceapa si altele. Si multumim si prietenilor de la Oricum, in bucataria carora am inregistrat.

Pentru a asculta, click aici. Pentru a va abona in iTunes, folositi acest feed.