Sofa Surfers started making music in the middle of the 90's, when electronic music was dominated by a DIY revolution coming from the techno arena; it was the first time when bands could produce their own music, without being forced to work with private studios or labels or whatever else; in a way, that resembles what is going on now with blogs and podcasting and videocasting.

The discussion with Timo, Michael and Markus starts from what/who is Sofa Surfers and why they came here, discusses a bit the "Vienna Sound", and touches many other subjects until it ends with Timo Novotny's impressions of Bucharest. The podcast ends with Markus Kienzl's "Dundy Lion" track as it was mixed by Al Haca in one of their 2005 sets (and this explains one of my questions from the podcast).
The interview was taken on November 25th, 2006, at about 8pm, in Eclipse, right before their concert there; I am quite satisfied by the sound quality of the podcast, as I had to record it with my Powerbook, I had no headphones available to check out the sound, so I pretty much based the settings on chance. Diana and I will soon acquire a proper recording device, but until then I hope the content of our podcast will make the small glitches bearable.
You can download the podcast from here [.mp3, 33.1 MB], or you can listen to the podcast below:
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